The Place Where Your Face is Known
The Place Where Your Face is Known
Pat McKay & Sharon Arbuthnot
Dr Pat McKay and Dr Sharon Arbuthnot talk about the the traditions, mythology and place names of Lough Neagh.
Dr Pat McKay is a native of Creggan outside Randalstown, on the north shore of Lough Neagh.in Co. Antrim. He was awarded a Ph D by the University of Ulster for his thesis on the place-names of the baronies of Toome, after which he spent eighteen years as a research fellow in the Northern Ireland Place-Name Project in Queen's University. He is author of A Dictionary of Ulster Place-Names and joint author of Lough Neagh Places and he has written two volumes in the Place-Names of Northern Ireland series, The Baronies of Toome, Co. Antrim and Lisnaskea and District: the Parish of Aghalurcher, Co. Fermanagh. He was Secretary of the Ulster Place-Name Society for twelve years and is currently Publicity Officer for the Society. Recently he has been involved with advising on Irish-language versions of road names for Mid-Ulster Council's road-signage project.
Dr Sharon Arbuthnot specialises in medieval Irish language and literature. For most of the past decade, she was a researcher and editor of the historical dictionary of Irish. She now works on the dictionary of Scottish Gaelic and devotes some of her time to a public-engagement project called 'Spreading the Words', which is based at the University of Cambridge. She has published widely on medieval Irish words, texts and manuscripts and writes also for a more general audience. She is one of the authors of 'A History of Ireland in 100 Words', published by the Royal Irish Academy in 2019, and has written also a short book entitled 'Wonders and Legends of Lough Neagh' which will be released very soon.